Sunday, March 7, 2010

Are These People Crazy?

As I sit here today pondering, I came across an article article in the New York Times re: Scientology. Now I personally have known Scientologists since 1980 and except for the fact that they believe in this weirdness, they seem to be perfectly normal people. At first I thought they were only pulling my leg when the told me they had signed a contract that, if the followed the rules of Scientology they would live for a billion years... apparently they believed it. Are we that stupid? Is the human race really that stupid? Check out the link and let me know your thoughts.

"Scientology is an esoteric religion in which the faith is revealed gradually to those who invest their time and money to master Mr. Hubbard’s teachings. Scientologists believe that human beings are impeded by negative memories from past lives, and that by applying Mr. Hubbard’s “technology,” they can reach a state known as clear."